NewsLetter Archives - CREAWKENYA


June 23, 2019by CREAW0

The Strategic Plan outlines CREAW’s vision and ambitions and key interventions for achieving them. The choices contained  in the Plan are largely informed by the lessons learnt, conclusions and recommendations from the analysis of CREAW’s operating context. Drawing from lessons learnt from our past practice, and building on our track record, this Strategic Plan seeks to effectively position CREAW within the emerging operating context as a basis of ensuring greater relevance and effectiveness. The Plan sets out broad parameters that will guide the development of more specific annual work plans and program documents.

CREAW will continue its work towards elimination of gender inequality and all forms of discrimination against women and girls. This is based on our philosophy that empowering women demands that we address unfair cultural norms and attitudes, enhance competencies of women and their institutions and advocate for the development and implementation of progressive legal, policy and institutional frameworks that promote/sustain gender equality.

This strategy is the outcome of a co-creation process between the CREAW Team and several stakeholders. We deeply appreciate their contribution to this process. We especially wish to extend sincere gratitude to our board members, partners and peers for the moral, financial and material support accorded to us during the Strategic Plan development process.
CREAW Strategic Plan — Abridged Version


March 29, 2019by CREAW0

At the core of the Constitution of Kenya (COK, 2010) is the belief that there can only be real progress in society if all citizens participate fully in their governance, and that all, male and female, persons with disabilities (PWDs) and all previously marginalized and excluded groups are included in the affairs of the republic.

June 4, 2018by CREAW0

CREAW’s Maternal and Neonatal Health (MNH) program dubbed Tunza Mama Na Mtoto, which translate to “care for the mother and her newborn baby” is implemented in partnership with Anglican development services of Mt Kenya East (ADSMKE) through funding from DFID and Christian Aid in Isiolo County. The project aims at improving maternal and newborn health outcome for vulnerable women and babies. The project works to increase demand, access, and uptake of quality MNH services within the targeted 32 health facilities in Garbatula, Merti and Isiolo Central subcounties through empowerment of women and girls to make healthy MNH choices, sensitization of communities to stem the barriers that prevent access to MNH services and enhance accountability of MNH services at all levels.

Maternal and Neonatal Health Newsletter – Isiolo County by Centre for Rights Education and Awareness on Scribd

January 12, 2018by CREAW0

Family institutions serve as basis for communal structures yet the scourge of violence between men and women as a result of inequality cultured by the gendered norms seems to tear down structures that build the communities. In the wake of the scourge, women and girls are mostly affected.

Access to Justice – CREAWKENYA (1st Quarter 2018) by Centre for Rights Education and Awareness on Scribd