CREAW and CRAWN Trust convened a forum to review the proposed Elections and Political Parties Bills.This culminated in developing a joint memorandum that was later submitted to Senate.
The women leaders & advocates therefore presented a joint memorandum to the Senate of Kenya, urging reforms for stronger governance & democracy. Our voices unite for accountability and inclusivity.
The Strategic Plan outlines CREAW’s vision and ambitions and key interventions for achieving them. The choices contained in the Plan are largely informed by the lessons learnt, conclusions and recommendations from the analysis of CREAW’s operating context. Drawing from lessons learnt from our past practice, and building on our track record, this Strategic Plan seeks to effectively position CREAW within the emerging operating context as a basis of ensuring greater relevance and effectiveness. The Plan sets out broad parameters that will guide the development of more specific annual work plans and program documents.
CREAW will continue its work towards elimination of gender inequality and all forms of discrimination against women and girls. This is based on our philosophy that empowering women demands that we address unfair cultural norms and attitudes, enhance competencies of women and their institutions and advocate for the development and implementation of progressive legal, policy and institutional frameworks that promote/sustain gender equality.
This strategy is the outcome of a co-creation process between the CREAW Team and several stakeholders. We deeply appreciate their contribution to this process. We especially wish to extend sincere gratitude to our board members, partners and peers for the moral, financial and material support accorded to us during the Strategic Plan development process.
CREAW Strategic Plan — Abridged Version
At the core of the Constitution of Kenya (COK, 2010) is the belief that there can only be real progress in society if all citizens participate fully in their governance, and that all, male and female, persons with disabilities (PWDs) and all previously marginalized and excluded groups are included in the affairs of the republic.
The baseline report on ‘Haki Yetu, Jukumu Letu’ Gender Based Violence in Meru and Kilifi Counties is one among these initiatives that aims to support policymakers and relevant institutions in their efforts to combat and prevent gender based violence in Kenya. It provides comparable data and information for effective, evidence-based project planning, decision-making and policy and legislation improvement among other core goals of this report. It further seeks to identify the challenges in operationalization and their impact on effectiveness so as to inform the strategies
and interventions of criminal justice system actors in particular and thereby guide the coordination
Centre for Rights Education and Awareness – CREAW Centre for Rights Education and Awareness – CREAW
Kilifi and Meru Counties of efforts going forward within the target Counties where the project is being implemented.
Baseline Report – Meru and Kilifi Counties 2017 by Centre for Rights Education and Awareness on Scribd
Center for Rights Education and Awareness (CREAW) is implementing a three year (November 2016 – October 2019) project dubbed, ’The Haki Yetu, Jukumu Letu’ project is funded by the Embassy of Netherlands in the counties of Meru and Kilifi.
Haki Yetu, Jukumu Letu Programme – NewsLetter (June – August) by Centre for Rights Education and Awareness on Scribd
CREAW has been implementing community awareness and empowerment programmes in Kibera aimed at increasing access to justice for survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) while also involving the police, Provincial administration and community members in a participatory approach aimed at reducing instances of sexual and gender based violence.
Access to Justice – Finland NewsLetter | July – Sept 2017 by Centre for Rights Education and Awareness on Scribd
In Kenya, one indicator of gender inequality is the small number of women in decision making positions and other national governance structures. Following the March 4th 2013 General elections, at the county level only 82 women out the total 1,450 County Assembly Ward Representatives were elected and only 6 women were successful in their bids as deputy governors. This despite the constitution stating that that one gender cannot make up more than two-thirds of the members of elective public
This month’s newsletter highlights current continous work in the women and leadership program giving an insight on what benefits the skills training has had on the women in terms of influencing their thoughts and actions geared towards bettering their community. From the interactions it was noted that fewer women leaders is a resultant of lack of skilled training aimed at enhancing women leadership.
In September 2015 CREAW – Centre for Rights Education and Awareness – launched a 36 months long project titled Strengthening Women Leadership, with the objective to get more women appointed to positions of leadership. The project focuses on the counties of Meru and Nyeri and relies on constitutional article 81(b), which states that one gender cannot make up more than two-thirds of the members of elective public bodies.